Markus Bühren
2006-11-17 12:27:03 UTC
I have another problem with German umlauts (or umlaute?). When I mark
a portion of text, press Ctrl-C to copy and then press Ctrl-V to paste
in TeXnicCenter, the text is pasted but the umlauts are gone. For
example, copying "über" and pasting results in "ber".
Is it possible that this is a problem caused by TeXnicCenter? If not,
where do I have to seek for the reason of this problem?
I have another problem with German umlauts (or umlaute?). When I mark
a portion of text, press Ctrl-C to copy and then press Ctrl-V to paste
in TeXnicCenter, the text is pasted but the umlauts are gone. For
example, copying "über" and pasting results in "ber".
Is it possible that this is a problem caused by TeXnicCenter? If not,
where do I have to seek for the reason of this problem?