German umlauts disappearing during copy-and-paste
Markus Bühren
2006-11-17 12:27:03 UTC

I have another problem with German umlauts (or umlaute?). When I mark
a portion of text, press Ctrl-C to copy and then press Ctrl-V to paste
in TeXnicCenter, the text is pasted but the umlauts are gone. For
example, copying "über" and pasting results in "ber".

Is it possible that this is a problem caused by TeXnicCenter? If not,
where do I have to seek for the reason of this problem?

T.T.J. Pleizier
2006-11-17 13:36:00 UTC
Hi Markus,
You have to load a package that controls the encoding of keyboard input
with \usepackage{inputenc}. Depending on your type of input encoding,
you have to specify an option that interprets the characters correctly.
For a standard international keyboard `latin1' would do the job. So try
to add the line \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} to your preamble and the
umlaut is back.
Happy TeXing,
Post by Markus Bühren
I have another problem with German umlauts (or umlaute?). When I mark
a portion of text, press Ctrl-C to copy and then press Ctrl-V to paste
in TeXnicCenter, the text is pasted but the umlauts are gone. For
example, copying "über" and pasting results in "ber".
Is it possible that this is a problem caused by TeXnicCenter? If not,
where do I have to seek for the reason of this problem?
Klaus Dankwart
2006-11-17 15:39:54 UTC
Hi Markus,
actually I do not where the problem comes from, but I use a German
Windows Xp as OS, and the German version of TXC and this problem
doesn't appear.
good luck
Post by Markus Bühren
I have another problem with German umlauts (or umlaute?). When I mark
a portion of text, press Ctrl-C to copy and then press Ctrl-V to paste
in TeXnicCenter, the text is pasted but the umlauts are gone. For
example, copying "über" and pasting results in "ber".
Is it possible that this is a problem caused by TeXnicCenter? If not,
where do I have to seek for the reason of this problem?
Klaus Dankwart
Vorgebirgstr. 8 mobil: 0176 21938782
53111 Bonn Tel: 0228/2400690
Skype: kdwonline