how do i get the table not to be centered vertically on the page?
2008-12-25 23:11:38 UTC
LaTeX gurus,

As the subject says, when I create a table using the \begin {table}
statement, the table is centered both vertically and horizontally on
the page. I do not want it to be centered vertically on the page. I
tried the [t] command, but that seems to be ignored somehow using the
sty file I am using. Is there any way to override this?

2008-12-26 01:13:45 UTC
Please reply to my email address: bobnayar-/***@public.gmane.org
Post by bobnayar
LaTeX gurus,
As the subject says, when I create a table using the \begin {table}
statement, the table is centered both vertically and horizontally on
the page. I do not want it to be centered vertically on the page. I
tried the [t] command, but that seems to be ignored somehow using the
sty file I am using. Is there any way to override this?
2008-12-26 02:14:43 UTC
Here is the code I am using:

% =============================================================

\documentclass [12pt] {article}
\begin {table}[!t]
\textbf{\normalsize Panel C. Descriptive statistics for variables}\\
\begin {footnotesize}
\vskip 0.1in
\footnotesize {Only variables employed in our analyses are shown
below. The variables are obtained from sources listed in Table 1.}
\begin{tabular} {lccccc}
Variable description & Variable & Mean & Std. Dev. &
Min & Max \\

S\&P Sovereign Credit Ratings & spscore & 14.159 & 4.493
& 1.000 & 18.000 \\
(numerical transformation)\\

Log(Gross National Income - PPP) & lngni & 9.689 &
0.710 & 7.730 & 10.629 \\

Inflation (\% change in CPI) & infcpi & 3.290 & 3.298
& -0.915 & 20.239 \\

Corruption Index & corruptti & 6.810 & 2.230 & 1.500
& 10.000 \\

Central Government Debt (\% of GDP) & jpgdebt & 55.454 &
30.768 & 3.900 & 150.160 \\

Current Account Balance & cabg2 & 1.478 & 6.231 & -
10.313 & 29.178 \\

Real Effective Exchange Rate & reer & 101.827 & 9.605
& 71.089 & 132.461 \\

Trade in Services (\% of GDP) & tradeservg & 19.062 & 15.309
& 3.921 & 127.742 \\

Concentration in Banking System & dklconc & 0.635 &
0.180 & 0.210 & 0.972 \\

Bank Liquid Reserves & bankliqra & 4.705 & 6.357 &
0.075 & 39.685 \\
\end {footnotesize}
\end {table}
\end {document}

Antonio Olivares
2008-12-26 03:55:55 UTC

Your best bet would be to register and post the question over here:


For a good while, the TXC Users Group helps out the entire LateX Community at the above webpage.

Sorry not to have responded earlier, thought someone was going to beat me to it :(


Subject: [TXC-Users] Re: how do i get the table not to be centered vertically on the page?
Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 6:14 PM
\documentclass [12pt] {article}
\begin {table}[!t]
\textbf{\normalsize Panel C. Descriptive statistics
for variables}\\
\begin {footnotesize}
\vskip 0.1in
\footnotesize {Only variables employed in our analyses
are shown
below. The variables are obtained from sources listed in
Table 1.}
\begin{tabular} {lccccc}
Variable description & Variable & Mean
& Std. Dev. &
Min & Max \\
S\&P Sovereign Credit Ratings & spscore
& 14.159 & 4.493
& 1.000 & 18.000 \\
(numerical transformation)\\
Log(Gross National Income - PPP) & lngni &
9.689 &
0.710 & 7.730 & 10.629 \\
Inflation (\% change in CPI) & infcpi &
3.290 & 3.298
& -0.915 & 20.239 \\
Corruption Index & corruptti & 6.810 &
2.230 & 1.500
& 10.000 \\
Central Government Debt (\% of GDP) & jpgdebt
& 55.454 &
30.768 & 3.900 & 150.160 \\
Current Account Balance & cabg2 & 1.478
& 6.231 & -
10.313 & 29.178 \\
Real Effective Exchange Rate & reer &
101.827 & 9.605
& 71.089 & 132.461 \\
Trade in Services (\% of GDP) & tradeservg &
19.062 & 15.309
& 3.921 & 127.742 \\
Concentration in Banking System & dklconc &
0.635 &
0.180 & 0.210 & 0.972 \\
Bank Liquid Reserves & bankliqra & 4.705
& 6.357 &
0.075 & 39.685 \\
\end {footnotesize}
\end {table}
\end {document}
Rüdiger Stuible
2008-12-26 09:58:58 UTC
Post by Antonio Olivares
or even better go directly to

Rüdiger Stuible

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