From where can I download Texcnic Center and how?
Nimal Ekanayake
2007-09-07 05:31:34 UTC
I tried to download from texniccenter.org but it takes me to either japanese or korean sites and does not show any links. Also sites are not in english. I am in asia. When I tried to select an alternative site I always end up in a university website where I cannot find any link to software download place.
Could you please somebody give me the correct site from where I can download without sending me to here and there?


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Kristof Möller
2007-09-07 06:25:20 UTC

please try:


for the download You will be connected to a
sourceforge-server next to You...just wait a little time!

Post by Nimal Ekanayake
I tried to download from texniccenter.org but it takes me to either
japanese or korean sites and does not show any links. Also sites are
not in english. I am in asia. When I tried to select an alternative
site I always end up in a university website where I cannot find any
link to software download place.
Could you please somebody give me the correct site from where I can
download without sending me to here and there?
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Nimal Ekanayake
2007-09-07 08:47:59 UTC
Hi Kris,
Thanks. I tried that and the following link appears but downloading does not take place. It says if downloading does not start after a while to try manual downloading so when I click the following link it goes to JAIST website (http://www.jaist.ac.jp/) and I cannot find any place to click to initiate downloading.

Downloading from the following mirror:

( Ishikawa, Japan - Asia )

When I try the other mirror site which is in Taiwan , same thing happens. Thanks for your help.
After trying several mirror sites, I managed to download from sourceforge.net in Kent UK.


----- Original Message ----
From: Kristof Möller <kristofmoeller-S0/***@public.gmane.org>
To: TeXnicCenter-Users-***@public.gmane.org
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2007 12:25:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TXC-Users] Re: From where can I download Texcnic Center and how?


please try:

http://www.toolscen ter.org/download s.html

for the download You will be connected to a
sourceforge- server next to You...just wait a little time!

I tried to download from texniccenter. org but it takes me to either
japanese or korean sites and does not show any links. Also sites are
not in english. I am in asia. When I tried to select an alternative
site I always end up in a university website where I cannot find any
link to software download place.
Could you please somebody give me the correct site from where I can
download without sending me to here and there?
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
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PARSEC - Alex Kähler
2007-09-07 06:04:09 UTC
Hi NE,

Add me on MSN and I send it for you. alxkaehler-***@public.gmane.org



From: TeXnicCenter-Users-***@public.gmane.org
[mailto:TeXnicCenter-Users-***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Nimal Ekanayake
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 2:32 AM
To: TeXnicCenter-Users-***@public.gmane.org
Subject: [TXC-Users] Re: From where can I download Texcnic Center and how?

I tried to download from texniccenter.org but it takes me to either
japanese or korean sites and does not show any links. Also sites are not in
english. I am in asia. When I tried to select an alternative site I always
end up in a university website where I cannot find any link to software
download place.

Could you please somebody give me the correct site from where I can download
without sending me to here and there?




Be a better Globetrotter. Get
awNQcm9kdWN0X3F1ZXN0aW9uX3BhZ2U-?link=list&sid=396545469> better travel
answers from someone who knows.
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