Greg Kronenberger
2006-11-27 22:23:02 UTC
Hi Tino,

thanks for that idea, it seems to work pretty well for me.
Considering that it appears you have encountered significant
difficulty with 'saving' the state of the toolbar positioning would
it be simpler to have non-floating toolbars? I would gladly trade
floating toolbars for ones that are fixed, but not stacked.

Hi Lionel!
does anyone know of a way to "stabilize" the toolsbar in
TeXnicCenter ?
I am using 1 beta 7.01 and the toolbars tend to "pile up" (one
on top of
the other) when I close and open again TeXnicCenter. It is not
much of
a trouble, I agree, but it would be pleasant to keep them
horizontal (next to one another), that's how I like them, don't
you ?
This bug is quite old. I tried to fix it, but didn't find a
1. Start TXC.
2. If TXC is maximized (i.e., uses the whole screen), then restore
it to
its normal size by double-clicking on the title bar of TXC. The
should now be smaller, but still visible (not minimized).
3. Resize the window such that it almost uses the whole screen;
especially from left to right. Top to bottom is not so important.
4. Maximize TXC again, if you want that TXC starts maximized.
5. Arrange your toolbars. NOTE: If a toolbar goes over the right
of TXC, it will be put into the next line once you restart TXC.
applies to the "normal size" of the TXC window, i.e., the size
that you
enlarged in step 3.
6. Close TXC.
7. Start TXC. Should work. Does it?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tino Weinkauf
TeXnicCenter Developer